30 December 2011

keeping up

I was never good at keeping journals or diaries. With the best of intentions I enjoy the first days, weeks, maybe even months of documenting, writing, capturing life and then I drift away from the routine of it... Now more than ever I want to capture my days with this little bug. I want to create and share the things that inspire me... So, here we go again!

Starting the first of the year I will be joining Chantelle from {fat mum slim} in her January 2012 Photo A Day challenge. Follow her on her blog: http://www.fatmumslim.com.au/

Here's hoping I can stick to it!


17 October 2011

Movin' on...

Things are about to get cRazy for us! Packing up the house and getting ready to move temporarily as we wait to BUY OUR OWN HOME! So excited for this adventure!!

I have been super busy packing everything up, but left the bug's toys and books out so she could play until the last minute. Guess she thought that meant she wasn't moving with us... today she started packing all her things into my re-usable grocery bags and put them by the front door! HA! No bug - we're not goin' anywhere without you


13 September 2011

corners of my home...

we moved into this daylight basement apartment when i was about six months pregnant with our little bug. we needed more space but didn't really have more money to spend. i love painting, decorating, sewing for and making a space really feel like home, but when renting i feel less compelled to do so. therefore this has always felt like a very temporary space to me.  so, this is my work in progress attempt at creating some sense of me in this space two years in...


i have been dreaming up this picture wall for way too long and finally cracked down and painted the frames one day and even managed to complete one of the projects to fill the frame. they sat empty, stacked against the wall forever until i decided to hang them up with or without the artwork... the Beatles quote is painted on the back of the glass for the frame with a paint pen - super easy, but i really like the way it turned out. this is also the bug's corner... she enjoys sitting in her chair reading books or playing music at her little desk. 


the letters for the "read" sign are cut out of a cheerios box with strips of fun fabric glued on.


the same fabric was used to make this little reading chair that is filled with foam cubes and is removable for washing - smart move mama! i love the color combo with the fabrics on the pillows too... they are made from fat quilting quarters.


her little desk area is all from re-used items from around the house. the desk is an old homemade storage cube, the chalkboard held the menu at our wedding reception, and her pop-pop gave her this little folding stool that she carries ALL over the house to see up onto counter tops and get into everything. it's so cute we don't really mind...

12 September 2011

isn't it grand

nana copy



she is enveloped in love at every turn... they take such joy in her. it was so wonderful to take the time to celebrate the wonderful grandparents they are...

09 September 2011





the entire weekend was dedicated to relaxing, dating, and celebrating... 5 years of marriage, 13 years of us...

08 September 2011

ch ch ch changes


i thought i had it all figured out... we would get fun stickers, big girl underwear, and a little potty of her own. i was even prepared to turn to treats if that's what it took. she loved the underwear, didn't care about the stickers and refused to sit on the potty. i let it go and less than a month later she took the initiative and the only reward she requires is a high five, a "good job!", a big smile and an even bigger hug. she is quite pleased with herself and i have to say we are too!

07 September 2011

my blueberry gal

empty copy


the box was simply something fun to hold while she ate her weight in blueberries. i remember the joy of eating fruits fresh from the plant when i was a child... like little jewels placed just for her to savor...

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